SOP for working in Store departments 

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SOP for working in Store departments 


OBJECTIVE:To define the procedure for Working in Store Department.


SCOPE:This SOP is applicable for Working in store department.






1. Store personnel: – Follow the procedure as per SOP.

2. Store head: – To ensure that SOP is being followed and proper execution of SOP.

3. QA: – To ensure that SOP is being implemented properly.




SOP : Standard Operating Procedure

QA : Quality Assurance

QC : Quality Control

PPE : Personal Protective Equipments

FIFO : First In First Out




1. Entry/Exit procedure for man and material and practices of personal hygiene are to be strictly followed.


2. A Good level of cleaning and housekeeping is to be maintained throughout the store department.

3. Ensure that all balances are calibrated.


4. Ensure that all materials in store are stored in segregated manner as well as appropriately labeled.


5. Suitable personnel protective equipments are to be used whenever required.


6. All records are to be filled in time as mentioned in SOP’s.


7. Ensure that all material handling and movement devices are working properly.


8. Use cleaned and dedicated scoops for dispensing of raw material.


9. Ensure that raw materials & packaging materials are received and stored as per SOP.


10. Ensure that all raw material & packaging material are issued as per sop as per FIFO system.


11. In case of handling goods follow appropriate gowning procedure.


A. Instructions for  Store closing :


1. Ensure that all materials are appropriately stored, segregated, labeled and there is not any leakage or spillage of the container.


2. Ensure that all doors are closed from inside.


3. Ensure that all the electrical supplies have shut off.


4. Lock the personal entry & exit door and hand over the keys to the security department.


B. Instructions for Store opening :


1. Take the Store key from the security department and open the personal entry door.


2. After entering the store by following the entry & exit procedure, take a round of the store.


3. Ensure that all the materials are appropriately stored, segregated, labeled and there is not any leakage or spillage tampering of material contents.


4. In case of any doubts, report the matter to QA department for investigation.


5. Also ensure that there are no fumes or gases inside the store and all doors / windows are in good condition.


6. Start the electrical appliances and ensure that there is no sparking.









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